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Nakrętka do rowków teowych jest wsuwana bocznie do rowka profilowego, dzięki czemu możliwe jest również umieszczenie jej w już istniejących systemach. Dzięki ułożyskowanej sprężynowo kulce możliwe jest zamocowanie nakrętki w każdym dowolnym miejscu rowka profilowego.
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Inni klienci również kupili

Slot keys and levelling feet

As with T-nuts and hammer-head screws, slot keys are twisted into the profile slot and so can be subsequently inserted into existing systems. Thanks to the spring-mounted ball bearing, the slot key can be inserted into and removed from the profile slot. Provided the correct position is found, the slot key is fixated.

Slot keys are often used in conjunction with levelling feet. This allows levelling feet to be secured easily to aluminium profiles using slot keys without having to drill any holes. Tool feet can easily be adjusted increment-free manually or using tools. Typical applications include tables or more lightweight equipment.

norelem offers slot keys and levelling feet in various versions.